Downloading and accessing audio BookSnacks
An MP3 audio BookSnack can be downloaded directly to a "folder" on the device presently being used to view this site. A downloaded MP3 file can usually be found by tapping the "Download" widget on a listening device. AudioBookSnacks can also be downloaded to PCs and subsequently "sideloaded" to a a listening device or smart phone via a connecting cord.
Most computers, tablets, and smart phones have built-in listening capabilities.
Even a novice "Googler" will easily find professional advice in the use and transfer of MP3 files.
Frequently, the narrator of an audio BookSnack will refer to a download code which will provide a listener with access to supplementary printed materials that elaborate upon the audio content being explored. This code should be used as a suffix to the BrainFoodToGo URL e.g.
Most computers, tablets, and smart phones have built-in listening capabilities.
Even a novice "Googler" will easily find professional advice in the use and transfer of MP3 files.
Frequently, the narrator of an audio BookSnack will refer to a download code which will provide a listener with access to supplementary printed materials that elaborate upon the audio content being explored. This code should be used as a suffix to the BrainFoodToGo URL e.g.