It's easy to transfer digital BrainFood to a media platform of your choosing. Scroll down to the downloading task you are beginning and get simple instructions.
Downloading audio BookSnacks and audio Podcasts
Audio BookSnacks and audio podcasts are provided in the convenient .mp3 format which can be downloaded from this site directly to a "folder" on your tablet, smartphone or PC. The process of downloading is facilitated on the Checkout page of this web site. You can also download an audio file directly from web pages on this site that feature a file download button.
Once an .mp3 audio file is downloaded it can be found in a file folder on your receiving device (e.g. "Downloads," "Music," "Listen," etc.) and accessed via the app or widget that provides the listening functionality on your hardware.
To transfer audioBookSnacks to a device not connected to the Internet, first download the .mp3 file to a PC or tablet and subsequently "sideload" the file to your listening device via a common USB connecting cord.
Most smartphones and tablets contain an audio player. If yours does not:,
Even a novice "Googler" can easily find professional advice in the use and transfer of MP3 files.
LISTENERS' TIP: Frequently, the narrator of an audio BookSnack will refer to a download code which will provide a listener with access to supplementary printed materials that elaborate upon the audio content being explored. This code should be used as a suffix to the BrainFoodToGo URL e.g.
Once an .mp3 audio file is downloaded it can be found in a file folder on your receiving device (e.g. "Downloads," "Music," "Listen," etc.) and accessed via the app or widget that provides the listening functionality on your hardware.
To transfer audioBookSnacks to a device not connected to the Internet, first download the .mp3 file to a PC or tablet and subsequently "sideload" the file to your listening device via a common USB connecting cord.
Most smartphones and tablets contain an audio player. If yours does not:,
- A listening app for Apple products can be downloaded at
- Audio players for most other devices, including Andriod, can be downloaded at:
Even a novice "Googler" can easily find professional advice in the use and transfer of MP3 files.
LISTENERS' TIP: Frequently, the narrator of an audio BookSnack will refer to a download code which will provide a listener with access to supplementary printed materials that elaborate upon the audio content being explored. This code should be used as a suffix to the BrainFoodToGo URL e.g.
Downloading eBookSnacks
eBookSnacks are focused and condensed books that can be read anywhere, anytime on tablets and smartphones. They are formatted as PDF documents that can be read on all PDF reading apps. Since PDF files are not scaleable on all readers, the typeface size and font cannot always be altered by an PDF reader. However, the BookSnack PDF files are specially formatted for easy reading on any app. The Adobe Reader is highly recommended for eBookSnacks and it can be downloaded for free at:
Downloading BrassTacks TipSheets
TipSheets are published in the PDF format. Readers can download these PDF files to tablets, smartphones, and other popular reading devices. Tip Sheets can be read on all PDF reading apps and printed out for redistribution. The Adobe Reader app is recommended for BrassTacks TipSheets. It can be downloaded for free via: Once an Adobe Reader app is installed on your device you can adjust its settings on the bar at the top of your screen. Choose the "Reading Mode" to adjust the type size and dimensions of the document on your screen. TipSheet PDF files can be downloaded to your PC for printing without making any adjustments.
Downloading and printing Lists
SelfCheck Lists and LotzaLists invite reader notation, they are formatted for printout as a hard copy with 8.5" x 11" page dimensions. Of course they can be read on all devices and printed out on a PC or Apple computer by downloading the Adobe PDF Reader app at:
Downloading eBooks
Like all eBooks on the Internet, BrainFood publications can be downloaded and accessed in several ways, each representing a different digital format and app for reading. It is important that you select the book you desire in the format that is compatible with your reading device. The format you choose should be compatible with the reading device and app you will be using. BrainFood eBooks and eBookSnacks that can be downloaded on this site are compiled in two different but universally popular eBook formats, i.e. EPUB and MOBI. Almost all reading devices use one of these formats. If you are not sure about which platform is compatible with your device, click here.
Described below are the commonly used downloading and accessing procedures for each format. You'll find these instructions helpful when downloading ebooks from any online source.
-> EPUB format for Android mobile platforms
For tablets and smartphones using the Andriod use the built-in browser on your reading device to navigate to the BookStore on the web site. For purposes of convenience and efficiency, it is recommended that you download a reading app to your device prior to selecting books. This can be used to subsequently read EPUB books from any source. For Android based smart phones and tablets, a free Aldiko reader can be downloaded free of charge at: (Aldiko offers a premium product also.)
Here are a few simple steps to follow:
-> EPUB format for eBook readers like Nook
To order access a book on a dedicated reading device, it is recommended that you initially download your book purchase to a folder on your laptop or PC. The file can then be side-loaded to a mobile device using a USB cord. It’s important for you to know where downloaded files are generally stored on your computer so that you can easily retrieve your eBook file. For example, on a Windows platform the destination for downloads is usually your “Desktop” or “Documents” folder. You can also get a reader that allows you to read an EPUB book on a laptop or PC.
The procedure is generally the same for all EPUB compatible eBook readers. In the case of Nook, for example, follow the steps below:
-> EPUB format for iPads, iPods and iPhones.
Experts claim that the easiest way to read EPUB formatted books on an Apple platform is to simply download an eReader app to the device. Once the app is installed, any downloaded EPUB file can easily be opened for reading. The best sources for such a reading app are:
You can also read EPUB books on an iPad and in the iBooks app. You can add EPUB FILES to your computer's iTunes library via File > Add To Library (or if using a Mac with OS X Mavericks on them then add them to its iBooks app) and then sync them to the iBooks app on your iPad. You can email an EPUB file to yourself and use 'open in' in the Mail app to copy them to iBooks,
-> MOBI format for Amazon Kindle devices
Apparently, Amazon does not like making its Kindle platform readily compatible with “free stuff” that is available from other sources. So, when you wish to read a BrainFood eBook or BookSnack on a Kindle device, you must make your selection on a PC or laptop with a USB port. Use your computer's browser to visit the BookStore at Select the book in the .MOBI format and checkout, using the FreeAccess coupon code, if you have one. The book will be downloaded to the computer you use to purchase it. The file will have a MOBI extension after the file name. It’s important for you to know where downloaded files are generally sent on your computer so that you can easily retrieve the .MOBI file for use in the accessing steps outlined below. For example, the destination for downloads is often your “Desktop” or “Documents” folders.
Once you’ve located the MOBI file that you downloaded, follow these steps to easily "side load" your MOBI eBook file to your Kindle.
-> PDF format for PCs, laptops, tablets, & smartphones
Most mobile devices are sold with built in PDF readers. However, if yours doesn't offer one, the app can be downloaded for free at: In cases where a BrainFood publication is offered in the PDF format, simply download the file to your device and access it with the Adobe or similar PDF reader.
Please note that PDF files do not provide as "comfy" a read as an EPUB or MOBI file. For example, PDFs do not allow for font re-sizing, page re-sizing (i.e.text reflow) or clever page turning techniques. But they are pretty much universally accessible.
Described below are the commonly used downloading and accessing procedures for each format. You'll find these instructions helpful when downloading ebooks from any online source.
-> EPUB format for Android mobile platforms
For tablets and smartphones using the Andriod use the built-in browser on your reading device to navigate to the BookStore on the web site. For purposes of convenience and efficiency, it is recommended that you download a reading app to your device prior to selecting books. This can be used to subsequently read EPUB books from any source. For Android based smart phones and tablets, a free Aldiko reader can be downloaded free of charge at: (Aldiko offers a premium product also.)
Here are a few simple steps to follow:
- Select the publication you desire from the BrainFood Bookstore and complete the checkout process remembering to use the FreeAccess coupon code, if you have one. Also remember to “Apply” your code to your order.
- Provide name and e-mail information and click on Continue to Payment. A receipt will appear. Importantly, the receipt will also include your download link.
- Click or tap on the download link and the book will download to your device.
- Open you Aldiko reading app and click on its menu in the upper left hand corner of the page. Click on “Files” and then “Downloads” and “Open.” The book will open on your screen (If you use a reading app other than Aldiko, the file you ae seeking will probably be in its Download folder.)
-> EPUB format for eBook readers like Nook
To order access a book on a dedicated reading device, it is recommended that you initially download your book purchase to a folder on your laptop or PC. The file can then be side-loaded to a mobile device using a USB cord. It’s important for you to know where downloaded files are generally stored on your computer so that you can easily retrieve your eBook file. For example, on a Windows platform the destination for downloads is usually your “Desktop” or “Documents” folder. You can also get a reader that allows you to read an EPUB book on a laptop or PC.
The procedure is generally the same for all EPUB compatible eBook readers. In the case of Nook, for example, follow the steps below:
- Connect your Nook to the computer via a standard USB cord. After a short wait your Nook will show up as a device on your PC. Open it to display the folders it contains.
- Copy the EPUB file on your PC or laptop and paste it in your Nook in its “Book” folder that is contained under the “My Files” folder. The eBook will then show up in your “Home” and “library” tabs on the Nook reader.
-> EPUB format for iPads, iPods and iPhones.
Experts claim that the easiest way to read EPUB formatted books on an Apple platform is to simply download an eReader app to the device. Once the app is installed, any downloaded EPUB file can easily be opened for reading. The best sources for such a reading app are:
You can also read EPUB books on an iPad and in the iBooks app. You can add EPUB FILES to your computer's iTunes library via File > Add To Library (or if using a Mac with OS X Mavericks on them then add them to its iBooks app) and then sync them to the iBooks app on your iPad. You can email an EPUB file to yourself and use 'open in' in the Mail app to copy them to iBooks,
-> MOBI format for Amazon Kindle devices
Apparently, Amazon does not like making its Kindle platform readily compatible with “free stuff” that is available from other sources. So, when you wish to read a BrainFood eBook or BookSnack on a Kindle device, you must make your selection on a PC or laptop with a USB port. Use your computer's browser to visit the BookStore at Select the book in the .MOBI format and checkout, using the FreeAccess coupon code, if you have one. The book will be downloaded to the computer you use to purchase it. The file will have a MOBI extension after the file name. It’s important for you to know where downloaded files are generally sent on your computer so that you can easily retrieve the .MOBI file for use in the accessing steps outlined below. For example, the destination for downloads is often your “Desktop” or “Documents” folders.
Once you’ve located the MOBI file that you downloaded, follow these steps to easily "side load" your MOBI eBook file to your Kindle.
- Using a common USB cable (preferably the one that came with your Kindle), connect your Kindle to the computer or tablet contains the downloaded MOBI file. The Kindle device should appear on your screen as a separate drive in “Computer” or “My Computer” for Windows users and on the desktop for Mac users.
- Open the Kindle drive. You will see several folders. You want to locate the folder called Documents.
- Now find the MOBI file you downloaded to your computer or tablet, highlight the file and copy it. Then go to your Kindle Documents folder and paste file there. You can also accomplish the transfer by dragging the .MOBI file to the Documents folder on your Kindle.
- Safely eject your Kindle from your computer as you normally eject external devices and drives. [When the USB activity indicator on your Kindle stops flashing, click the message "Safely Remove Mass Storage Device (on Windows) or "Eject" (on Macs ) the Kindle from your computer. Then unplug the USB cable from your Kindle and computer.]
- You should now see the .MOBI file on your Home screen (i.e. Kindle Library) or in the Documents section of your Kindle. Click on the book cover to open it. (Unfortunately, the book’s cover image will not be very attractive since Amazon apparently likes to diminish the curb appeal of books not downloaded from its Kindle store.)
-> PDF format for PCs, laptops, tablets, & smartphones
Most mobile devices are sold with built in PDF readers. However, if yours doesn't offer one, the app can be downloaded for free at: In cases where a BrainFood publication is offered in the PDF format, simply download the file to your device and access it with the Adobe or similar PDF reader.
Please note that PDF files do not provide as "comfy" a read as an EPUB or MOBI file. For example, PDFs do not allow for font re-sizing, page re-sizing (i.e.text reflow) or clever page turning techniques. But they are pretty much universally accessible.
NEED MORE ASSISTANCE? Since there is a myriad of devices on the market -- and new models being added almost daily -- it is impossible for Brass Tacks Publishing to provide technical help with respect to accessing or using our publications via your specific, preferred device. The users instructions provided with your device can be very helpful as can web sites which can be found via Google search. (Confidentially, for me, the twelve year old kid next door was a big help.)