FAQs....and answers!
What's on the menu? |
BrainFood is more than just a goulash of facts and figures. Superior achievement in a rapidly changing world requires a sophisticated blend of ingredients, including wisdom, intelligence, audacity, innovation, experience, intuition, and practical know-how. BrainFood is a “secret sauce for success” that focuses on innovation, leadership, collaboration, strategic scheming, and creative funding. Click on our master menu at the top of this page to see what digital publications are currently available as free samples. Click here for a partial list of publications included in our Patrons' huge library.
How is it presented? |
BrainFood is provided in a number of digital formats. Readers can enjoy TipSheets, eBooks, and eBookSnacks. For listeners, there are AudioBookSnacks. Of course, we also offer old-fashioned print books, too! Click here and learn how to download BrainFood to your device.
How is it served? |
BrainFood publications are distributed free-of-charge by Patrons who provide them to their constituents "to go" by e-mail or via downloading through their web sites. There is an ever-changing menu. Business owners, entrepreneurs, and team leaders can sign up here to be automatically notifiied via e-mail when a new batch of BrainFood is ready.
How is it accessed? |
Our written and recorded materials are specially formatted and condensed for quick and satisfying consumption via smartphones, tablets, PCs, eBook readers, and almost all other portable digital viewing and listening devices, including those available in automobiles. Click here to learn more about downloading our materials.
Who is the chef? |
Menu items are cooked up by seasoned authors, educators, professionals, and practitioners in the realm of business. Qualified authors, journalists, and educators are encouraged to submit their own material and share their experiences. Most content is provided by accomplished venturers who've been there; done that. It is supplemented by common sense wisdom that’s gathered from other business leaders and by an army of experienced authors who’ve learned the ingredients for success…. the hard way.. All content is quality-checked by the Center for Business Ownership Inc.
Is this a free lunch? |
BrainFoodToGo.com is underwritten by Patrons who distribute it as part of their on-going “connection” to existing customers, members, prospects, employees, and other key constituents. Free Patroned publications usually contain a short, unobtrusive, but compelling, message from their Patrons as well as link to the Patron's web site. The sample digital items currently displayed on this website can be obtained at no cost, for a limited time, with a Free digital Access Code. TipSheets currently displayed on this site can also be downloaded for free.
BrainFood is distributed free of charge by Patrons like business and professional firms; newspapers; economic development agencies; chambers of commerce; business firms; libraries; business incubators; trade and professional associations; affinity groups, schools; student organizations; alumni associations; and the armed forces and veterans groups. |
How do I download BrainFood? |
Click here for simple instructions for downloading to your preferred device. |