BrainFood constitutes free print and audio content that can be used by faculty, adjunct faculty, independent lecturers, students, and veterans’ organizations involved in higher ed courses in entrepreneurship, innovation, leadership, and small business management. BrainFood has been used for years as complementary course material in adult and continuing education programs. Some important features
Informational and educational BrainFood modules are compatible with in Internet-based distance learning programs and serve as powerful components of in-classroom courses.
Individual, single-topic BrainFood modules can also be downloaded, linked, and published as print or audio textbooks or supplementary classroom materials by teachers and students.
Content can be contributed by educators, alumni, ambitious students, and experienced business leaders active in the business community. They provide especially current and relevant material. Such insight is extremely valuable -- and otherwise difficult to source -- in an ever-changing world.
Contributions can take the form of articles, monographs, case studies, surveys, book reviews, exercises, podcasts, simulations, tip lists, interviews, PowerPoint™ presentations, and quizzes.
Student interest and involvement is heightened when they become published authors and their works contain bios and Internet links that are helpful to job recruiters. Moreover, creating BrainFood is much more fun than writing an old fashioned term-paper.
All content submitted for use in BrainFood publications is vetted by an independent Board of Fellows consisting of accomplished entrepreneurs, enterprise leaders, and university-level academicians.
Selected submitted materials will be updated, modified, or re-compiled “wiki-like,” as successor generations of providers and users emerge. The competitive spirit and new discoveries of real-world contributors keeps BrainFood materials perpetually fresh.
The financial support of alumni serving as Patrons is extremely helpful in expanding our educational initiatives. As a Profit-Free Organization (PFO), re-invests all of its revenues in the expansion and development of its chartered activities. facilitates a living exchange for new knowledge that can aid enterprise leaders around the globe.